

The Diversity of Irony – Proposed Theme Session at the 14th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference

Short Title: Irony Diversity:  ICLC-14

Date:10-Jul-2017 to 14-Jul-2017

Location:Tartu, Estonia

Contact Persons: Angeliki Athanasiadou & Herbert Colston

Contact Emails: angath@enl.auth.gr  or colston@ulberta.ca

Meeting Email: iclc14@ut.ee

WebSite: http://iclc14.ut.ee/


LinguisticField(s): Cognitive Linguistics; Pragmatics; Figurative Language; Verbal Irony

Call Deadline: 15-August-2016


Meeting Description:

Contributions are invited to a panel on ‘The Diversity of Irony’ to be held at the14th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Tartu, Estonia.  Panel organisers: Professor Angeliki Athanasiadou (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) and Professor Herbert Colston (University of Alberta). Abstracts must be submitted by email directly to the organizers,

formatted according to the conference submission guidelines, by August 15, 2016.


The proposed theme session aims to continue the discussion on irony started in

ICLC13 in Newcastle.


This panel invites researchers and scholars working on irony inits full diversity (across languages and cultures or within a particular language)—diversity in irony types, in modality, media, and in the scope of irony.

Topics could include but are not limited to: situational &verbal irony, gestural and other non-verbal ironic usage or processing (comprehension,interpretation, appreciation, etc.), speech, text, image, CMC andother venues, as well as scopes ranging from sub-lexical through utterance, constructionand broader discourses.  Both descriptiveand theoretical work is acceptable.  Research exploring varying affordances ofirony wrought by structural differences between and across languages and language families is also particularly welcome.


As organizers, we are particularly interested in explorations and evidence of both commonalities and deviances in what constitutes ‘irony’ across the seareas of diversity, with an aim toward an increased understanding of irony as a potentially fundamental mode of thought and communication. To this end, proposals are encouraged to address potential patterns across irony from diverse perspectives, with consideration given toward how the particular niche of irony addressed in the presented work might align or contrast with other strands of irony performance and cognition.


One goal of the panel is to explore potential underlying causes, motivations,fundamentals or other parent phenomena of irony, bethey epiphenomenal, embodied, cognitive, social, merely utilitarianor other.


Considerationsor explorations of irony with respect to other forms of figurative language are also of interest, toward the same goal of delving deeperinto the underpinnings of irony and figurativeness broadly construed.


Forfurther inquiries, please contact the panel organizers:

AngelikiAthanasiadou (angath@enl.auth.gr)

Herbert Colston (colston@ualberta.ca)



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