Nature: 词汇的大脑地图




最近,加州大学伯克利分校Gallant实验室的科学家通过fMRI和听读实验,对许多常用英语单词在大脑中的反应区进行了定位,从而发现了很多词汇之间有趣的关联。科学家通过可视化建模手段,将其绘制成了动态地图,名曰:semantic maps.

相关研究成果发表于最新一期《自然》杂志,并成为封面文章 “Where words make sense”! 《自然》为该研究成果制作了专门的科普视频,CogLing特向各位读者分享如下(时长3分钟,英国腔,无字幕):



实验组创建的semantic maps亦可在线查看(3D模型,建议PC和windows下浏览),网址:


Natural speech reveals the semantic maps that tile human cerebral cortex

Nature 532, 453–458 (28 April 2016)  doi:10.1038/nature17637


Abstract: The meaning of language is represented in regions of the cerebral cortex collectively known as the ‘semantic system’. However, little of the semantic system has been mapped comprehensively, and the semantic selectivity of most regions is unknown. Here we systematically map semantic selectivity across the cortex using voxel-wise modelling of functional MRI (fMRI) data collected while subjects listened to hours of narrative stories. We show that the semantic system is organized into intricate patterns that seem to be consistent across individuals. We then use a novel generative model to create a detailed semantic atlas. Our results suggest that most areas within the semantic system represent information about specific semantic domains, or groups of related concepts, and our atlas shows which domains are represented in each area. This study demonstrates that data-driven methods—commonplace in studies of human neuroanatomy and functional connectivity—provide a powerful and efficient means for mapping functional representations in the brain.




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