ICCG9回顾| Jerome Feldman大会发言

第十届国际构式语法大会(ICCG10)将于2018年7月于法国巴黎举行(参见:会讯 | 第10届国际构式语法大会第一轮征稿)。在接下来几期推送中,我们将回顾2016年在巴西举行的第九届国际构式语法大会(ICCG9)的大会发言视频。第二期推送Jerome Feldman的大会发言:(Construction) Grammar does not Suffice for NLU


Natural Language Understanding (NLU) is a manifest goal for applied linguistics, but its theoretical importance is not as obvious. Integrated form-meaning pairs comprise the crux of Construction Grammar, but what is meaning? Decades of work at ICSI/UCB has established that embodied semantics (ECG) is necessary, but we also know that it is not sufficient. Language is inherently contextual and underspecified. An isolated grammar theory or program can only provide schematic analyses (SemSpecs in ECG) that are inadequate for full NLU. The talk will describe our current work on building and testing NLU systems for particular domains, prototypically autonomous systems like robots or cars. This involves an ECG based analyzer that is largely task-independent and we assume that the context involves some application with a well-defined interface (API). A complete NLU product involves several additional components for defining and carrying out the NLU requirements of the domain. All of these components have universal “core” realizations plus mechanisms for extension. As a general principal, we suggest that NLU can be divided into broad considerations and those that are inherently contextual.






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