作者:西安交通大学 庞加光;陕西师范大学 王立永 张韧
摘要: 石毓智(2020)在历时语言证据的基础上提出“超级构式”的概念,认为包括被动结构在内的汉语构式的历时演变都是源自“超级构式”的变化。我们认为,这一概念的提出及其作用可能存在理论和方法上的困难,也有偏离构式语法精神的嫌疑。在认知语法的框架下,本文对这一规律涉及的状动构式和动补构式进行重新分析,认为它们实质是现代汉语语法系统的认知动态性在短语层面的反映。对认知动态性编码的侧重可能也是现代汉语区别于先秦汉语的根本原因。
关键词: 超级构式, 构式语法, 认知动态性
Abstract: On the basis of diachronic linguistic evidence SHI (2020)puts forward the notion of “super construction” and proposes that the evolution of grammatical constructions in Chinese such as the passive construction derives from the diachronic change of “super constructions”. It is found that the notion of “super construction” and the role it plays in linguistic system might meet theoretical and methodological problems, and also deviate from the spirit of construction grammar. In the framework of cognitive grammar, this paper re-analyzes the generalization such as the adverbial-verb construction and the verb-complement construction found in SHI (2020),and proposes that they embody the cognitive dynamicity of the modern Chinese grammar at the phrasal level. The emphasis on the coding of this cognitive property may also contribute to the structural distinction of modern Chinese from pre-Qin Chinese.
Key words: super construction, construction grammar, cognitive dynamicity
庞加光,王立永,张韧. 论“超级构式”[J]. 外语教学理论与实践, 2023, 183(3): 9-.