分享| 一篇分析希拉里语言风格的纯学术文章


最近,阿桑奇发话,要放关于大选的黑材料出来,令这个秋天的美国政界终难平静。而从目前电视辩论的效果来看,希拉里领先。网络上对于她与川普语言、口才以及思维逻辑的分析对比帖子和文章,小编看到了不少,也都大同小异。鲜有学者从历时角度、或多学科角度对希拉里语言风格进行分析。剑桥期刊核心库(Cambriage Core)的收录的 Perspectives on Politics 期刊8月份出版的一篇文章,便算是这类型:

标题:Talk “Like a Man”: The Linguistic Styles of Hillary Clinton, 1992–2013
作者:Jennifer J. Jones
期刊:Perspectives on Politics, Volume 14, Issue 3
日期:September 2016, pp. 625-642



Hillary Clinton is arguably the mostprominent woman in American politics today. Past research suggests femalepoliticians conform to masculine communication styles in an attempt to evadethe “double bind.” Clinton’s long and varied career thus provides an importantand useful case study for investigating how female politicians presentthemselves strategically. Drawing on research in political psychology, political communication, social psychology, and linguistics I examine whether Clinton talked “like a man” as she navigated a path toward political leadershipby conducting a quantitative textual analysis of 567 interview transcripts andcandidate debates between 1992–2013. Results on Clinton’s linguistic stylesuggest her language grew increasingly masculine over time, as her involvementand power in politics expanded. I also consider Clinton’s language in thecontext of her 2007–2008 presidential campaign. In 2007, Clinton’s linguisticstyle was consistently masculine, supporting widespread accounts of Clinton’scampaign strategy. Beginning in late 2007, however, Clinton’s language becamemore feminine, reflecting a shift in the self-presentational strategies advisedby her campaign staff. Throughout the 2008 campaign period, Clinton’s languagefluctuated dramatically from one interview to the next, reflecting acandidate—and campaign—in crisis. This study reveals hidden insight into thestrategies Clinton used as she navigated through the labyrinth towardleadership. Changes in Clinton’s linguistic style reflect the performance ofgendered roles, expectations of political leaders, and the masculine norms ofbehavior that permeate political institutions.








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