ICCG10工作坊 | Constructions at Play


Constructions at Play:

Hands-on Tutorial on Fluid Construction Grammar (ICCG-10)


Call For Participation 
Tenth International Conference on Construction Grammar
Friday 20 July 2018, 9:00 – 16:00
ENS, Salle H, 45 rue d’Ulm, 75005 Paris, France



会讯 | 第10届国际构式语法大会第一轮征稿



ICCG10工作坊 | Constructions at Play

In this one-day, hands-on tutorial, you will learn how the key concepts of construction grammar can be operationalized into working, computational models that can be used for comprehending and formulating utterances. In the morning, we will start with a short introduction on the basics of FCG (constructions, transient structures, pathways, search), after which the participants will write their own lexical and grammatical constructions. In the afternoon, we will explore more advanced features of FCG, including different visualisations, flexible construction application, and learning of constructions. We will also study the basic design principles of a larger grammar for Simple English, which is available through the FCG web service (https://www.fcg-net.org/fcg-interactive).
Practical Information 
– Participants must bring their own laptop with the latest version of Babel2 http://www.fcg-net.org; installed (which includes the FCG software)
– The registration fee is included in the ICCG10 conference fee (official registration for the tutorials will soon be opened)
– Pre-registration is required through info@fcg-net.org
Course instructors 
– Katrien Beuls, AI Lab, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
– Jens Nevens, AI Lab, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
– Paul Van Eecke, AI Lab, Vrije Universiteit Brussel



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