会讯 | 第11届国际构式语法大会第1轮征稿


第11届国际构式语法大会(ICCG-11)将由比利时安特卫普大学承办,于2020年8月20日至22日在安特卫普大学(University of Antwerp)举行。本次大会的主题是“Construction grammars in and between minds, communities, computers”。大会将邀请众多国际知名学者做大会发言,其中包括:


Nick Ellis (University of Michigan) – language learning

Luc Steels (Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona) – computational linguistics

Evelina (Ev) Fedorenko (MIT) – neurolinguistics

Gabriele Diewald (Hannover University) – historical linguistics

Steffen Höder (Kiel University) – language contact










会讯 | 第11届国际构式语法大会第1轮征稿

Important dates

  • Deadline workshop proposals: 30 September 2019

  • Notification of acceptance workshop proposals: 20 October 2019

  • Deadline abstract submissions for general sessions and accepted workshops: 20 January 2020

  • Notification of acceptance abstracts for general sessions and accepted workshops: 20 March 2020


First call for papers


Full papers will be allotted 20 minutes, followed by 5-7 minutes for discussion. Posters will be presented in a special session and remain on display during the conference.


Abstracts for General Session papers and posters can be submitted from 20 May 2019 to 20 January 2020 through the abstract submission facility EasyChair.

Abstracts should not exceed 400 words (exclusive of references) and should clearly state research questions, approach, method, data and (expected) results. Abstracts should also list three to five keywords. 

Since all abstracts will be submitted to blind review, no author-specific information must be available in the text of the abstract or in the file metadata.

Abstracts will not be edited for typing, spelling, or grammatical errors after submission. Therefore, abstracts should comply with the layout requirements:

  • Abstracts must be single-spaced and fully justified. The standard font will be Calibri, size 11. Margins should be set at 2,54 cm (1 inch) all around.

  • References will have a hanging indent of 1,27 cm (0.5 inch).

  • Submit the abstract as a .doc, .docx or .odt document. If it contains special characters, please send a PDF version to iccg11@uantwerpen.be

The requirements are detailed in this template.


A total of four workshops can be scheduled. 

Proposals for workshops can be submitted until 30 September 2019. The address for submission is iccg11@uantwerpen.be

Notification of acceptance/rejection will be given by 20 October 2019. After a workshop proposal has been accepted, the convenors will be requested to invite their participants to submit their abstracts through the abstract submission facility EasyChair by 20 January 2020, following the same guidelines as those for general sessions submissions. These abstracts will be evaluated individually by the Scientific Committee and the convenors.

Workshop proposals should contain:

  • a 1000-word description of the topic (including the research questions to be addressed) and

  • a (provisional) list of workshop participants and 400-word abstracts of their papers.

We encourage workshop convenors to distribute an open call for papers on LinguistList (announce your Call for Papers as a session of ICCG11) and on other fora.

Since we want conference participants to be able to attend individual workshop presentations, ICCG11 workshops have to be compatible with the main conference schedule. This means that the format of the workshops must be organized around 20 minute presentations (+ 5-7 min. discussion). Workshops ideally contain 8 to 10 slots and comprise:

  • an introductory paper by the convenor(s) or by a key-note speaker, which summarizes previous research, specifies the approach(es) to be taken and sets the scope of the papers to be presented,

  • six to eight papers,

  • a slot for final discussion on the topics covered by the papers, methodological issues and questions for future research.

Further details can be discussed with the ICCG11 organizing committee.


One person may submit a single-authored abstract, a single-authored abstract and a co-authored one (not as first author) or two co-authored abstracts (only one as first author). Note that keynote papers within workshops count as ordinary papers.


Workshop proposals will be evaluated and ranked by members of the Scientific Committee.

Abstracts submitted to the general session and to the poster session will be evaluated by two members of the Scientific Committee. Workshop papers receive two evaluations by Scientific Committee members and one by the workshop convenor(s).


Notifications of acceptance of workshop proposals will be sent out by 20 October 2019.

Notifications of acceptance of abstracts will be sent out by 20 March 2020.



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