CfP | Amsterdam Metaphor Festival 2019


CfP |  Amsterdam Metaphor Festival 2019

Amsterdam, 28 – 31 August 2019


The Metaphor Lab Amsterdam is delighted to announce the fourth Amsterdam Metaphor Festival Amsterdam!

The conference starts on Wednesday 28 August with a social gathering (evening, optional) and formally opens on Thursday 29 August at 9.00AM. The conference closes on Saturday 31 August at the end of the afternoon.

The Metaphor Festival is an annual conference on the use of figurative language and other modes of figurative expression.  It offers an opportunity to present and learn about research findings concerning the structures, functions, and effects of figurative language in different types of human communication. Contributions to the Festival can address tropes such as metaphor, metonymy, hyperbole and irony.


  • Word limit: Abstracts should be 300 words maximum and should be written in English (please provide glosses or translations for examples in other languages).
  • Structure: Abstracts reporting on empirical data should have four sections: introduction, methods, findings, and conclusions. Abstracts providing a purely theoretical or philosophical contribution should have three sections: introduction, main argument, and conclusions.
  • Take-home message: All abstracts should end with a one-sentence take-home-message. 
  • Double-blind review: Authors need to make sure that their identities cannot be retrieved from the abstract itself, and should include blind reference to their work that is not yet publicly available (i.e., papers in press, under review and. or in preparation).


Deadline for submission is 15 March 2019. The onlinesubmission system will be open as of 1 February 2019.


The conference will be held at the 
P.C Hoofthuis, Spuistraat 134, Amsterdam.

Check the 
Metaphor Lab website ( and the Festival’s Facebook page for any updates. 
You are welcome to contact the organizing committee at 
metaphorfestivalamsterdam[at]gmail[dot]com in case of any enquiries.



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